Erriez BH1750 library for Arduino  1.1.2
This is a GY-302 breakout with an I2C BH1750 digital light sensor.
BH1750 digital light sensor library for Arduino

This is a 16-bit BH1750 digital ambient light sensor on a GY-302 breakout PCB:


Arduino library features

BH1750 sensor specifications

GY-302 breakout specifications


Schematic BH1750 and Arduino UNO

Connection Arduino UNO board - BH1750

Pins board - BH1750 VCC GND SDA SCL
Arduino UNO (ATMega328 boards) 5V GND A4 A5
Arduino Mega2560 5V GND D20 D21
Arduino Leonardo 5V GND D2 D3
Arduino DUE (ATSAM3X8E) 3V3 GND 20 21
ESP8266 3V3 GND GPIO4 (D2) GPIO5 (D1)

Note: Tested ESP8266 / ESP32 boards:

Other unlisted MCU's may work, but are not tested.

WeMos LOLIN32 with OLED display

Change the following Wire initialization to:

// WeMos LOLIN32 with OLED support
Wire.begin(5, 4);

I2C address

Note: ADDR pin may be floating (open) which is the same as LOW.


Examples | Erriez BH1750:


Example continues conversion high resolution

#include <Wire.h>
#include <ErriezBH1750.h>
// ADDR line LOW/open: I2C address 0x23 (0x46 including R/W bit) [default]
// ADDR line HIGH: I2C address 0x5C (0xB8 including R/W bit)
BH1750 sensor(LOW);
void setup()
Serial.println(F("BH1750 continues measurement high resolution example"));
// Initialize I2C bus
// Initialize sensor in continues mode, high 0.5 lx resolution
sensor.begin(ModeContinuous, ResolutionHigh);
// Start conversion
void loop()
uint16_t lux;
// Wait for completion (blocking busy-wait delay)
if (sensor.isConversionCompleted()) {
// Read light
lux =;
// Print light
Serial.print(F("Light: "));
Serial.print(lux / 2);
Serial.print(lux % 10);
Serial.println(F(" LUX"));


BH1750 continues measurement high resolution example
Light: 15.0 LUX
Light: 31.2 LUX
Light: 385.0 LUX
Light: 575.1 LUX
Light: 667.5 LUX



#include <Wire.h>
#include <ErriezBH1750.h>
// ADDR line LOW/open: I2C address 0x23 (0x46 including R/W bit) [default]
// ADDR line HIGH: I2C address 0x5C (0xB8 including R/W bit)
BH1750 sensor(LOW);
void setup()
// Initialize I2C bus
// Initialize sensor with a mode and resolution:
// Modes:
// ModeContinuous
// ModeOneTime
// Resolutions:
// ResolutionLow (4 lx resolution)
// ResolutionMid (1 lx resolution)
// ResolutionHigh (0.5 lx resolution)
sensor.begin(mode, resolution);

Start conversion


Wait for completion asynchronous (non-blocking)

The sensor conversion completion status can be checked asynchronously before reading the light value:

bool completed = sensor.isConversionCompleted();

Wait for completion synchronous (blocking)

The sensor conversion completion status can be checked synchronously before reading the light value:

// Wait for completion
// completed = false: Timeout or device in power-down
bool completed = sensor.waitForCompletion();

Read light value in LUX

One-time mode: The application must wait or check for a completed conversion, otherwise the sensor may return an invalid value. Continues mode: The application can call this function without checking completion, but is not recommended when accurate values are required.

Read sensor light value:

// lux = 0: No light or not initialized
uint16_t lux =;

For 4 lx low and 1 lx high resolutions:

// Print low and medium resolutions
Serial.print(F("Light: "));
Serial.println(F(" LUX"));

For 0.5 lx high resolution:

// Print high resolution
Serial.print(F("Light: "));
Serial.print(lux / 2);
Serial.print(lux % 10);
Serial.println(F(" LUX"));

Power down

The device enters power down automatically after a one-time conversion.

A manual power-down in continues mode can be generated by calling:


Library dependencies

Library installation

Please refer to the Wiki page.

Other Arduino Libraries and Sketches from Erriez