Erriez LCD Keypad Shield library for Arduino  1.1.0
This is a LCD Keypad Shield library for Arduino
Erriez LCD Keypad Shield library for Arduino

This is a LCD Keypad Shield library for Arduino which supports the following features:


Any Arduino board, tested on Arduino UNO.

LCD Keypad Shield


2x16 LCD pins UNO/Leonardo/Mega2560
RS 8
EN 9
D0 4
D1 5
D2 6
D3 7
Backlight 10


Arduion IDE | Examples | Erriez LCDKeypadShield:




#include <ErriezLCDKeypadShield.h>
LCDKeypadShield shield;

Backlight control

Backlight on


Backlight off


Display control

All LCDKeypadShield.h functions can be used.

Clear display


Set cursor

// First character first line
shield.setCursor(0, 0);
// First character second line
shield.setCursor(0, 1);
// Last character second line
shield.setCursor(15, 1);

Print text

shield.print(F("Push the buttons"));

Button control

Get buttons

LCDButtons button = shield.getButtons();
// Returned button enum:
// ButtonNone
// ButtonRight
// ButtonUp
// ButtonDown
// ButtonLeft
// ButtonSelect

Improve response

The resistors may be different for each board to read the analog key value. To improve response, experiment by updating the analogKey values in: src\ErriezLCDKeypadShield.cpp:

if (analogKey < 50) { /* <= Incread/decrease value 50 */
key = ButtonRight;
} else if (analogKey < 200) { /* <= Incread/decrease value 200 */
key = ButtonUp;
} else if (analogKey < 350) { /* <= Incread/decrease value 350 */
key = ButtonDown;
} else if (analogKey < 500) { /* <= Incread/decrease value 500 */
key = ButtonLeft;
} else if (analogKey < 750) { /* <= Incread/decrease value 750 */
key = ButtonSelect;
} else {
key = ButtonNone;

Library dependencies

Library installation

Please refer to the Wiki page.

Other Arduino Libraries and Sketches from Erriez